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Cymbopogom citratus

plant: (C. citratus)

Cymbopogom citratus


Hashishat el-lemon

Lemon grass is widely used herb in tropical countries, especially in Southeast Asia and in North Sudan

Whole plant

They contain simple, bluish-green leaves with entire margins and are linear in shape. The blades tend to be 18–36 inches long. Like other grasses, the leaves also have parallel venation.

The compounds identified in Cymbopogon citratus are mainly terpenes, alcohols, ketones, aldehyde and esters. Some of the reported phytoconstituents are essential oils that contain Citral α, Citral β, Nerol Geraniol, Citronellal, Terpinolene, Geranyl acetate, Myrecene and Terpinol Methylheptenone.

Studies indicate that Cymbopogon citratus possesses various pharmacological activities such as anti-amoebic, antibacterial, antidiarrheal, antifilarial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Treatment for Kidney and also anticancer is reported in  folk medicine.

Specification Data Sheet:

This Sudanese standard is formulated by the technical committee No.4 formed according to the administrative decree of the SSM0/1/A/I dated 18/8/01. It applies to Cymbopogom citratus.

On formulating this standard the committee has referred to international publications and works of Sudanese researchers on the subject.